Big Trees of Schuylkill County
The Big Trees of Schuylkill County is a project of the Schuylkill County Conservancy. The intent of the project is to engage citizens to join the Conservancy and take action to protect and enhance the quality of life in Schuylkill County.
The Big Trees of Schuylkill County is a project of the Schuylkill County Conservancy. The intent of the project is to engage citizens to join the Conservancy and take action to protect and enhance the quality of life in Schuylkill County.
Seventy percent of Schuylkill County is covered in trees and forests. These trees provide many benefits to us. Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe and help to clean the air. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff which reduces erosion and pollution to streams and rivers. Trees can reduce flooding. Trees provide habitat for many wildlife providing sources of food and shelter. Trees sequester carbon (Co2) thus helping to reduce climate change. Tree shade can produce a cooling effect on our homes. Windbreaks can reduce home heating cost in the winter. Trees provide green spaces and parks which promotes greater physical activity. Trees reduce stress and improve the quality of life in our community. Studies have revealed that community with trees helps to reduce crime, lowers blood pressure and girls with a view of nature at home score higher on tests of self-discipline. Trees provide many economic benefits, such as houses that are landscaped with trees are worth 5% to 15% more. Homes along tree-lined street are worth 25% more. Stores with trees attract more customers who shop longer. The benefits of trees go on and on!
Seventy percent of Schuylkill County is covered in trees and forests. These trees provide many benefits to us. Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe and help to clean the air. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff which reduces erosion and pollution to streams and rivers. Trees can reduce flooding. Trees provide habitat for many wildlife providing sources of food and shelter. Trees sequester carbon (Co2) thus helping to reduce climate change. Tree shade can produce a cooling effect on our homes. Windbreaks can reduce home heating cost in the winter. Trees provide green spaces and parks which promotes greater physical activity. Trees reduce stress and improve the quality of life in our community. Studies have revealed that community with trees helps to reduce crime, lowers blood pressure and girls with a view of nature at home score higher on tests of self-discipline. Trees provide many economic benefits, such as houses that are landscaped with trees are worth 5% to 15% more. Homes along tree-lined street are worth 25% more. Stores with trees attract more customers who shop longer. The benefits of trees go on and on!
The Big Trees of Schuylkill County program uses the tree measurement protocol of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association- Big Trees of Pennsylvania ( Each tree nominated to the PA Champion Tree Program is assigned a point value. The tree with the most points for each species is the Champion. Three measurements are taken: circumference in inches; height in feet; and canopy spread in feet. The points are determined as follows: one point for each inch of trunk circumference plus one point for every foot of tree height plus one point for every 4 feet of canopy spread equals the total points.
The Big Trees of Schuylkill County program uses the tree measurement protocol of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association- Big Trees of Pennsylvania ( Each tree nominated to the PA Champion Tree Program is assigned a point value. The tree with the most points for each species is the Champion. Three measurements are taken: circumference in inches; height in feet; and canopy spread in feet. The points are determined as follows: one point for each inch of trunk circumference plus one point for every foot of tree height plus one point for every 4 feet of canopy spread equals the total points.
To nominate a Big Tree in Schuylkill County, all you need to do is submit a trunk circumference measurement that is taken at 4.5 feet above the ground, identify the tree species, location of tree, and contact information of the person making the nomination.
Nominations should be sent to:
A surveyor from the conservancy will take the final measurements.
Join us in our effort to conserve, preserve, and appreciate the Big Trees in Schuylkill County by helping to find these giants in your neighborhood and woodlands.
Biggest Trees Recorded in Schuylkill County